Oct. 8-30th

9:00 AM EDT

SC, Alabama, Texas, Florida

Jun Shiomitsu US Tour

Jun Shiomitsu, President of AVODA and Vice President of AVODA Fund, will visit the United States to provide a firsthand report on the work of AVODA and the AVODA Fund. His schedule will include visits SC, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. He is open to other opportunities. Email Ross Walters, President of AVODA Fund, at ross@avodafund.org to meet Jun and/or discuss another possible speaking opportunity in your community.

May 30th

9:00 AM EDT

Clemson Presbyterian Sunday School Class and via Zoom

AVODA Fund Updates & AVODA Projects

We will be joined by the board’s chairman, Ross Walters and vice chairman, Jun Shiomitsu, to share AVODA Fund’s updates and discuss the ongoing AVODA’s projects in Africa, Uganda.

May 2nd

1:00 pM EDT

Walters' Home

AVODA Fund Updates

This is a Luncheon with the board members of AVODA Fund and our supporters. Consider joining our work to transform the business world in the developing economies. 

Join the Transformation

Support African business organizations and beyond one at a time. Training organizations and those that guide new businesses need your support.