Potential AVODA Student Profiles
Class of 2023
Edwin Karuhanger
My great desire is to build something that I can leave behind to the community, something that will defy time. And I believe entrepreneurship will help me do exactly that through building a successful company that will impact huge numbers of people.
I hope to use my business to support my country through: 5% of our profits to go into scholarships and orphanages Training and introducing new career paths in coffee industry to young people and connecting them to jobs here and outside Uganda. We are already doing this on a small scale. Honoring God by being trustworthy, loyal and faithful in our dealings hence setting an example to the rest.
Joy Kisakye
“Being a business that was founded by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I hope and pray that the Lord uses it in whatever way He deems necessary to first of all bring more people closer to Him and also Uses the business through me, to serve His people. I pray that when the time comes, the Lord softens my heart to be prompt in hearing his voice and doing exactly as ordered by Him.”
Ashiraf Kasundhe
“Growing up was fun when I look at it from where I am today because now I know God was present in every detail of my life even before becoming a born-again believer.
“Lack was the refrain in our house. For any ‘good’ material things to come into our home, it had to be a gift from either a visitor during the year or at Christmas. My early life was really not pleasing to the Lord. I would spend most of the time admiring (coveting) other families and their prosperity. But I know now God forgave me. My greatest aspiration is to preach Christ with manifold evidence. This is because one time I was asked and challenged about how I was living, yet I claimed I had God in my life. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and Jesus Christ saved me for Himself.”
Ashiraf goes on to explain why he wants to learn about starting and running a business, “I now understand that my country and other countries rise and fall in large measure by their economic successes or failures and that economies are driven by entrepreneurs. This new understanding is a driving force in me to want to influence policies in favor of the poor, marginalized group of people. I also aspire to build a system of empowering my generation in Christ, because I believe systems don’t die and how to build the system will be my goal from my time at AVODA.”
The business he has in mind to start is “Agribusiness”, mainly grain processing. “I look forward to supplying food to my country and places around the world with high quality food at affordable prices. The highest demand apart from oxygen and water by humans is food. There is a large share of the market in Africa where the growth rate is one of the highest in the world.”
Ashiraf continues his thoughts on ministry, “Ministry goes beyond the church, and I would love to use my business by running campaigns to help the needy and charity programs to extend help to those in need. AVODA’s mission to change the world for Christ is in line with my desires. I want to:
- To unleash the power of business to reach others for Christ.
- To have my business be known for its honesty and trustworthiness with its suppliers and customers.
- To not compromise on any biblical principle with the employees of the business.
- To exhibit to non-believers and other stakeholders that it is possible to run a successful business on Christian principles.”
Yeka Jonahs related his early days, “I was raised in a family of ten children, five boys and five girls in the eastern part of Uganda. I am the fourth born. Other than my parents’ biological children, our home was also comprised of cousins that would make an average number of fifteen kids every holiday at home.”
Yeka’s father was a primary school teacher and instilled the value of education into all his children. Currently, Yeka and his eldest sister co-support a younger sister at Makerere University by paying her tuition.
Relating his entrepreneur goals, “I want to establish an enterprise that will inspire communities around me through empowering them in terms of job creation and support of community activities. I see myself training and building up a team of entrepreneurial trainer/consultants to reach many areas of Sub-Sahara Africa.”
Through his Christian upbringing at home and church, he sees the need to train other entrepreneurs on how best to run a business on Christian values for the good of the kingdom of God. He said, “My goal is to use my business as an example to empower other young Christians to attain excellency in life.”
Presently, Yeka works in marketing and sales of liquid soap, liquid hand wash, and sanitizers. A portion of the revenue generated by his company is used to support educate marginalized girls in local communities. “My heart is to see young people complete their education, but to also have jobs to work in after they graduate.”
Sadam Brahan
” I come from a small-scale family business dealing mainly in agro-products. As a result, I learned in my early days that business is all around me; that is if I am willing to learn a thing or two about it.
“A couple years ago, I took a step of faith to launch Jireh Concepts Ltd (JCL) together with a church friend. Our man areas of interest is photography and videography. Being involved in a service industry, I reflect back on how my family juggled various businesses. I appreciate their attention to detail and the time they spent to be successful.
“I aspire to give a lasting moment to every single customer through the lens of a camera. Before going in for any shooting, we sit down with our customers to listen to their stories, then propose/paint pictures of what we can do for them. With my business partner I want to learn how to better run a profit-making business. We challenge ourselves to produce an even better product than we give in our few words of description to the customer.
“My greatest aspiration is knowing that through the business I have that I have met needs, employment opportunities are provided for, knowledge gained, wisdoms fully exercised, and foundations are being built/broken/rebuilt as we learn, unlearn and relearn things in our ever-changing market.
“As a Christian entrepreneur, I desire to share the Gospel through having a thank-you session with our customers after signing any contract. My hope is that our business is reflects Christ by we treat each and every customer regardless of how much the customers has to offer. For in God’s eyes, little is much, we will treat and love one another equally.
“Furthermore, we hope that we will give to the community what we would love the community to give to us- love, respect, professionalism, integrity, excellence and zealous job. In doing so, once they reach out to us, we will respond to them since we know that they, too, will also do the same for us.”
Cordellia Gwaitta related her background as a mixture of good and bad. “I was privileged to grow up with both parents. Both parents were healthy and able to work. Life was pretty good. I am thankful for the times of encouragement and peace. But there were seasons of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. As an adult, I have learned to forgive and move on, in love.”
Asked about her aspirations as an entrepreneur, she said, “Seeing the lack of sanitation in various parts of my environment, I desire to provide people with clean, organic, and sustainable options for life, in general, but especially for the home. I have a vision for design and construction as well as achieving quality living spaces within a home. More green, organic and ‘clean’ homes and lifestyles is what I want to provide for my community.”
Since a major goal of the AVODA Institute is to help entrepreneurs transform their communities for Christ, Cordellia was asked how that fit in her business plans. “Even before coming to Christ, I had a heart for the poor and suffering people: victims of war, natural disasters, hunger, refugees, and prisoners. As a church member, I participate in My Miracle Offering for the needy and sponsor a child from the Watoto Children’s home. One of my early goals is to start a foundation as an arm of my business that will cater to the needs of the poor and disadvantaged.”